Blackbird Clinical Services

The Kind, Dependable Clinic

Self-Collecting COVID-19 PCR Test Kits Now Available

Blackbird Clinical Services is now offering COVID-19 PCR saliva test kits that can either be self-collected at home, at the workplace, or at our office.  These kits offer an easy means of COVID 19 PCR testing without the general discomfort of nasal swab collection. Results are available within 24 -48 hours once the lab receives the sample. These kits test for ONLY the SARS-CoV-2.

Ease and Comfort of Sample Collection

Until recently, most tests for COVID-19 required a clinician to insert a long swab into the nose and sometimes down to the throat.  The saliva test is easier to perform — spitting into a cup versus submitting to a swab — and more comfortable.

Because a person can independently spit into a cup, the saliva test does not require interaction with a healthcare worker. This cuts down on the need for masks, gowns, gloves, and other protective equipment.

COVID 19 Saliva Test benefitsTest Result Findings

A positive test result indicates the virus was found in your sample and that you are likely infected. This does not necessarily mean you are still contagious, especially if you no longer have symptoms. Many people continue to test positive long after their symptoms have resolved.

If you do get a positive result, it is recommended that you self-isolate and contact your healthcare provider to discuss appropriate quarantine and treatment options.

Test Kits Expedite Results

Saliva-based test kits are a great option for employers who want to keep test kits on hand. This eliminates the need to schedule a time to take the test and waiting days for results.

These self-collected testing solutions determine COVID-19 status and help employees get safely back to work. Through the web application, employees can easily register their test kit, follow the self-collection instructions, and receive test results directly on their mobile device.

To Order Kits and Receive Pricing Information

Please give Blackbird Clinical Services a call at 765-447-8700 x5 for additional details, ordering information, and pricing.

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08:00 - 4:30PM.