Blackbird Clinical Services

The Kind, Dependable Clinic

Staying Healthy on Your Next Vacation

Familiarize Yourself with Your Destination

Learn something about your destination.  Traveling to a familiar spot?  Then you probably know the routine and can prepare properly.  If you are going somewhere new, especially if it is out of the country, there are a number of things you’ll need to do.

Travel Health Notices

Check for Travel Health Notices from the Center for Disease Control for your destination at Travel Notices. This will make you aware of any weather or health concerns before you leave.  On almost any trip you’ll want to bring these common items along:

  • Insect repellent containing DEET (30%-50%) or picaridin (up to 15%)
  • Sunscreen (preferably SPF 15 or greater) that has both UVA and UVB protection
  • Antibacterial hand wipes or alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol
  • Lubricating eye drops
  • Vitamin C taken regularly will improve your immune system and help you ward off illness

For the complete list of items the Center for Disease Control recommends you include on your next trip go to Travel Health Kit.  And don’t forget your health insurance cards.

Upon Arrival and During Your Trip

Once you’ve reached your destination pay attention to your health and take these minimal precautions.

  • Use sunscreen and insect repellent as directed.
  • Be careful about food and water.
  • Stay hydrated, get 9 to 13 cups of fluids per day
  • Try not to take risks with your health and safety.
  • Limit alcohol intake, and do not drink alcohol and drive.
  • Wear a seat belt.
  • Wear protective gear when doing adventure activities.
  • Respect your host country and its people by following local laws and customs

Fun and Relaxing, Most of the Time

Going on vacation should always be fun and even relaxing.  We all need some time to recharge our batteries, enjoy some extra time with our families, and get away from our daily routines.  With a little planning, an unforeseen illness or injury won’t ruin your vacation.

A Little Help to Get Ready

Let Blackbird Clinical Services help you get ready for your next vacation.  We’ll be happy to provide any lab services required by your doctor, prior to heading cross country or out of the country.  Just give us a call at (765) 447-8700.

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Have any questions?

TEL: (765) 447-8700

FAX: (765) 447-8701

Open Mon - Fri

08:00 - 4:30PM.